JDK TLS handshake error

The Eclipse PD team has identified JBoss running on RHEL 5.x with Java 7u131 may crash when the Solar Eclpse SSL interface (i.e Connection Pool, Session manager and etc..) is accessed from a browser.

This is an Oracle bug, and it is expected to be fixed with java 7u141 release.

The Work-around is to not use java 7u131. Do not install java update or downgrade to an older version if java 7u131 has already been installed.

To downgrade java to older version, 7u95:

yum downgrade java-1.7.0-openjdk-

To exclude java updates when manually installing the RHEL updates:

yum update --exclude=java-1.7.0-openjdk-*

If your system is setup with RHEL automatic update you may temporarily disable it and run manual updates until a fix is available.

To disable RHEL auto update:

chkconfig yum-updatesd off
service yum-updatesd stop


Why do I need an AIX upgrade for Eclipse 8.6.9?

The application server portion of Eclipse 8.6.9 requires JBoss 5.1 and Java 6. The IBM Java 6 SDK requires the following minimum levels of AIX:

Java 6 32-bit Java 6 64-bit
Minimum AIX level supported – 5.1 N/A N/A
Minimum AIX level supported – 5.2 N/A N/A
Minimum AIX level supported – 5.3 5300-07 (APAR IZ07976) 5300-07 (APAR IZ07976)
Minimum AIX level supported – 6.1 6100-GOLD 6100-GOLD
Minimum AIX level supported – 7.1 7100-GOLD 7100-GOLD
End of Service 30 Nov 2017 30 Nov 2017

Source: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/aix/service.html

If you follow theĀ recommended best practices for keeping your AIX server up to date, you are already on a supported version of AIX.

How do I manually restart JBoss on Linux?

Basic Restart Procedure

Log into the server as root and run the following command
RHEL 5 and RHEL 6:

service eclipse-jboss restart


systemctl restart eclipse-jboss

The application server will immediately begin the restart procedure, and it should be back up and running within 2-3 minutes on most servers.

Extended Restart Procedure

If the application server crashes, and attempts to restart it using the basic restart procedure above, or at the direction of Eclipse support, please follow this procedure as root to perform an extended, clean restart of JBoss:

  • Stop the JBoss service:

RHEL 5 and RHEL 6:

service eclipse-jboss stop


systemctl stop eclipse-jboss
  • Kill any errant JBoss processes:
pkill -9 -f jboss
  • Kill any errant J2EE (connection pool) phantoms on the database server:
  • (Optional) Backup logs for diagnosis (releases 8.7.2 and below):
cd /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/server/eclipse
tar czvf /esupport/jboss.logs.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`.tar.gz ./log
  • (Optional) Backup logs for diagnosis (releases 8.7.3 and above):
cd /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/eclipse
tar czvf /esupport/jboss.logs.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`.tar.gz ./log
  • Remove JBoss temporary directories (releases 8.7.2 and below):
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/server/eclipse/tmp
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/server/eclipse/log
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/server/eclipse/data
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/server/eclipse/work
  • Remove JBoss temporary directories (release 8.7.3 and above):
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/eclipse/tmp
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/eclipse/log
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/eclipse/data
  • Remove the CONNECTED.APP.SERVERS control record:
cd /u2/eclipse
ed control connected.app.servers
  • Start the JBoss service:

RHEL 5 and RHEL 6:

service eclipse-jboss start


systemctl start eclipse-jboss

What is the SOLAR.J2EE.CONNECTION phantom?

The SOLAR.J2EE.CONNECTION phantoms make up the pool of connections between the UniVerse database that powers Eclipse and the JBoss application server that powers Solar, Job Management and other newer applications.

The number of phantoms you see active on your system may increase or decrease depending on how your system utilization.

For more information on how to configure how many phantoms run, see Why are there so many J2EE phantoms running?

How do I restart JBoss on AIX?

Basic Restart Procedure

Log into the server as root and run the following command

/u2/eclipse/modules/bin/services.sh -d jboss

The application server will immediately begin the restart procedure, and it should be back up and running within 2-3 minutes on most servers.

Extended Restart Procedure

If the application server crashes, and attempts to restart it using the basic restart procedure above, or at the direction of Eclipse support, please follow this procedure as root to perform an extended, clean restart of JBoss:

  • Stop the JBoss service:
/u2/eclipse/modules/bin/services.sh -d jboss
  • Kill any errant JBoss processes:
ps -ef|grep jboss|awk '{print $2}'|xargs -i kill -9 {}
  • Kill any errant J2EE (connection pool) phantoms on the database server:
ps -ef|grep SOLAR.J2EE.CONNECTION|awk '{print $2}'|xargs -i kill -4 {}
  • (Optional) Backup logs for diagnosis (releases 8.7.2 and below):
cd /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/server/eclipse
tar cvf /esupport/jboss.logs.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`.tar ./log
  • (Optional) Backup logs for diagnosis (releases 8.7.3 and above):
cd /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/eclipse
tar cvf /esupport/jboss.logs.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`.tar ./log
  • Remove JBoss temporary directories (releases 8.7.2 and below):
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/server/eclipse/tmp
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/server/eclipse/log
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/server/eclipse/data
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/server/eclipse/work
  • Remove JBoss temporary directories (release 8.7.3 and above):
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/eclipse/tmp
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/eclipse/log
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/eclipse/data
rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/eclipse/work
  • Remove the CONNECTED.APP.SERVERS control record:
cd /u2/eclipse
ed control connected.app.servers
  • Start the JBoss service:
/u2/eclipse/modules/bin/services.sh -e jboss