
Note: Due to the rapidly changing nature of the hardware industry, and changes introduced over time to the Eclipse software platform, this list is subject to change. We recommend checking this page often for the most up-to-date information.

Last updated for Eclipse 9.1.0

Solar Eclipse Client PC Requirements

For the client PC running Solar Eclipse, the most important factor is the amount of memory (RAM). If a slower processor PC is used, a higher amount of RAM is imperative or the Solar Eclipse application will run slowly. The following chart gives minimum and recommended specifications for each category. Note that the minimum requirements are for running Solar and nothing else on the client PC’s.

Recommended System Requirements

  • For 9.1.0 sites, the PC min size requirements are the same for 9.0.7 (see) below >>>BUT 32-bit is no longer supported<<<  Only 64-bit is supported 9.1.0 and up
  • All 9.0.7 and prior releases of Eclipse…
  •  OS:
    • Microsoft Windows 10 (32- and 64-bit) ((Windows 10 has been certified from Eclipse release 9.01 and on.))
    • Microsoft Windows 11 (64-bit).
  • CPU: Intel Pentium 4, 1.4GHz ((Solar Eclipse performs best on true Intel Pentium processors. Equivalent Celeron or AMD processors, while acceptable for Solar, can be subject to technical issues when running other applications or operating system functions.))
  • RAM: 2 GB (32-bit OS), 4 GB (64-bit OS) ((Insufficient RAM (memory) is the biggest cause of slowness when running Solar Eclipse. The values listed above assume the PC will only be running Solar Eclipse (not including Eclipse Reports). If other applications such as Microsoft Office or Internet Explorer will be running, additional RAM is highly recommended. Additional RAM may also be required to meet the minimum requirements of your operating system or additional applications.))
  • Java Version: Java SE 8 update 202 (nothing later or you could fall into Oracle licensing) ((For Eclipse Release 9.0 and higher, a Solar Installer manages selecting the correct Java version
    needed to run Solar Eclipse. Java 1.7u11 or higher still needs to be installed in Windows for the Solar Eclipse Installer to run, and this is separate from the Java version that will be installed to run Solar.))
  • Disk Space: 200 MB
  • Display: 1280 x 1024 with 16-bit color ((Solar Eclipse will run on multiple monitors in most cases. Certain video cards and/or drivers may have issues supporting Java applications across multiple monitors. Incompatible video cards or drivers may result in Solar Eclipse freezing when running on the second monitor.))
  • Network: any standard IP-based (non-serial, using IPv4) ((Solar Eclipse requires a network using Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). Solar Eclipse does not currently support running on a network that is only Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).))

Minimum System Requirements

  • OS: Microsoft Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit)
  • CPU: Intel Pentium III, 700MHz
  • RAM: OS minimum + 256 MB
  • Java Version: Java SE 7 Update 11 (we recommend Java 8 update 202 if possible – nothing later or you could fall into Oracle licensing)
  • Disk Space: 200 MB
  • Display: 800 x 600 with 256 colors
  • Network: any standard IP-based (non-serial, using IPv4)

Frequently Asked Questions

Java Security Note

Recent concerns regarding security threats to Java only apply to Java applets running through a web browser. These security threats do not affect Solar Eclipse or the application server. As a precaution when accessing the internet, we still recommend upgrading to Java SE 7 Update 25. For more information, please see this article.