How do I modify my Linux tape backup script to send its logs via email?

It’s prudent to make a backup copy before editing system files. This prevents having to restore a file from tape, and allows you to track changes.
    • Log in as root
    • Open the backup script for editing:
vim /u2/UTILS/bin/snapsave.cfg
    • Find the MAILLIST value, and add any additional email addresses, separated by commas, like so:
  • Save and quit

Related: How do I forward root’s mail to another address?

How does an Eclipse user change their OS password using Eterm?

View a step-by-step screencast of this process:

If you need to change your Eclipse user’s OS password (the one entered at the “white” Eterm login screen):

  • Log into Eterm
  • Select F2-System
  • Select TCL
  • At the TCL prompt (; semicolon), type sh and hit ENTER
  • At the user’s shell prompt ($ dollar sign), type passwd and hit ENTER
  • Follow the prompts to set your new password
  • When finished, type exit to exit the shell.
  • Hit ESC to exit TCL mode
If your new password is not being accepted, you may be violating your company’s password policy by attempting to set a password that is too short or based on a dictionary word. You will need to contact your system administrator to set your password or relax the password restrictions. If you would like your Eterm users to have no OS password, please see How do I set a blank user password in Linux?

How do I add or change a VSI-FAX modem?

Identifying the Serial Port

Before adding or changing a modem, verify the port name.

On Linux, you can typically get a list of serial ports using:

ls -l /dev/tty*

On AIX, you can get a list of the serial ports using:

lsdev -Cc tty

Once you have identified the appropriate serial port, you may continue with adding or changing the modem(s) in VSI-FAX.

If you are having difficulty identifying the serial port device name(s), please refer to the manufacturer’s documentation or contact your support provider.

Adding a New Modem

To add a modem, use the following command, where /dev/ttyACM1 is the new modem’s serial port, modem2 is the name we’d like to give the VSI-FAX modem, and fax1 is the name of the VSI-FAX modem pool and Eclipse fax device:

vfxadmin device -a -d -v /dev/ttyACM1 modem2
vfxadmin class -d -a modem2 fax1

To verify that the change is in place:

vfxstat -a

Modifying an Existing Modem

To change a modem’s port on either Linux or AIX, use the following command (where /dev/ttyD00 is the existing modem’s new serial port, and modem1 is the name of the VSI-FAX modem you’re updating):

vfxadmin device -u -v /dev/ttyD00 modem1

To verify that the change is in place:

vfxstat -a

How do I enable the UniRPC daemon?


  • Check /etc/services file for an existing entry:
grep 31438 /etc/services
  • If it doesn’t exist, add the necessary line to the /etc/services file manually, or using the commands below:
uvrpc           31438/tcp                       # uvNet rpc port
cp /etc/services /etc/services.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`
echo "uvrpc           31438/tcp                       # uvNet rpc port" >> /etc/services
  • Start the UniRPC daemon manually:
  • The UniRPC daemon will start automatically on future boots from the main UniVerse startup script


  • Telnet to the local server on port 31438 and make sure there’s a response
[root@firestorm ~]# telnet localhost 31438
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.

telnet> quit
Connection closed.
  • Check for the unirpcd process
ps -ef|grep unirpcd