How Do I add a Printer in AIX?

AIX Printer Setup

The easiest way to add a printer is to follow this video tutorial:

Manual Steps are:

Login as root

Add hosts entry: echo " lp1" >> /etc/hosts

Add a print queue in smit: smit queue -> Add -> Remote -> Standard (or execute the command directly:

/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/piomisc_ext mkpq_remote_ext  -q 'lp1' -h 'lp1' -r 'lp1' -t 'aix' -T '999' -C 'FALSE'
echo "lp -dlp1" > /usr/spool/uv/
chmod 777 /usr/spool/uv/
su - uv
Spooler -> Device -> Maintain
Use ENTER to advance, selecting all defaults unless otherwise specified.
Name = LP1 (shows all caps)
Path = /dev/null
Driver = (answer yes to prompt)
Lock File 1 = lock.lp1
ESC -> Q -> ENTER to exit
Apps Setup:
  1. su - eclipse
  2. F2 -> F -> P -> A (Assign Printer)
  3. Printer/Fax = new
  4. Name = 1 (# from lp#)
  5. Type = (press F10 to select)
  6. ESC to apply and exit
  7. L (Location Maintenance)
  8. Location = NEW
  9. Name = HERE
  10. Ship Ticket Branch = (blank)
  11. Physical Branch = (blank)
  12. Printer = 1 (number of printer)
  13. ESC to apply and exit

Do I need anti-virus software on my Linux server?

The Eclipse database server runs the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system, not Microsoft Windows, the common target of virus attacks. As explained in this Red Hat knowledge base article, Red Hat does not consider viruses a threat to their Linux operating system. Rather than installing anti-virus software, Red Hat suggests implementing standard UNIX security “best practices” to secure the server, which Eclipse implements when configuring your Linux server. We also encourage our customers to enforce strong user password policies and keep their servers behind a firewall.

If your company’s security policies mandate the presence of additional anti-virus software, even on a Linux server, we recommend installing the free, open-source ClamAV software. If you choose to install anti-virus software, our standard 3rd party software policy applies: you are welcome to install and operate 3rd party software on the Eclipse server, but Eclipse will not certify or provide technical support for any of these software products, so you must obtain technical support from the vendor or elsewhere.

Setting up a Local Printer (USB)

Setting Up a Local Printer

Local printing allows you to attach a printer to a users PC, install it on their PC and allow the user to print from Eclipse as well as windows. This is not a network printer.

1. Configure the Printer to Print from Windows. The Printer may be a Networked Windows Printer, or connected locally utilizing a USB Port or a Parallel Printer Port. Make the Printer your Default Windows Printer if using USB. For Parallel Port or Networked Windows Printers, the Printer need not be the Default Windows Printer (although we would RECOMMEND it be the Default Windows Printer.)

2. Login to Eclipse.

3. Select Terminal Setup from the F2-System/System Files… menu.

4. Locate your Terminal ID and place the cursor on that line. If there is not one you will need to setup a Terminal Id. This can be done by accessing the Terminal Setup screen in Eclipse. F2/F/T.

Once your ID is created, Highlight it and select ALT/S to get the Local Printer Menu

Figure 1 Local Printer Menu.

5. Under the Local Printer field hit the F10 key and select the ‘HPLJ’ or HPLJ-1TRAY’  for a Laser Printer or ‘Printronix’ for a Dot Matrix or Zebra Label Printer. Local Laser Printers support One Tray ONLY.

6. Under the Form Loaded field hit the F10 key and select the form you desire.

\*ANY* is the most common form loaded on a Local printer and means that

everything you print from Eclipse will print to your Local printer even if you select another Eclipse printer..

7. Press Esc to exit the Local Printer Assignment screen and save your settings.

8. Access your Eterm Configuration screen by selecting Configure and then Communications from the grey menu bar in Eterm.

Figure 2: Configure/Communications screen.

9. Move the cursor to the ID field and type in your Terminal ID.

Note: It is important to type your User ID exactly as it appears on the Terminal Setup screen, including capitalization where appropriate.

10. Click on OK to save your changes.

11. Access the Configure/Printing menu in eterm and check off ‘Default Printer’ if USB connected, ‘Selected Printer’ may be used if Network or Parallel Port is used. This will give you the option to select the installed printer from your computers installed printers. Once selected click on OK.

How do I access the serial console on my IBM pSeries blade?

First, verify that serial over LAN (SOL) is enabled:

  • Login to your BladeCenter’s AMM web interface
  • Select Blade Tasks -> Serial Over LAN -> Serial Over LAN Status -> Enable Serial Over LAN
  • Select Enable Serial Over LAN via the drop-down menu under Serial Over LAN Configuration -> Save
  • Enable SSH by selecting MM Control -> Security -> Enable SSH Server -> Save
  • Enable telnet by selecting MM Control -> Network Protocols -> Telnet Protocol -> Enable Telnet -> Save

Once SOL has been enabled, connect to the blade’s console:

  • Open an SSH or telnet session to the BladeCenter
  • Run the following command to set the environment the appropriate blade. For example, to set the environment to blade 1 and open a console session:
system> env -T system:blade[1]
system:blade[1]> console
Console login:
  • To exit the console, use CTRL-[ followed by SHIFT-(

How do I determine which model fax modem is being used?

  • Log in as root
  • Check the VSIFAX status to determine your modem names:
vfxstat -a
  • Run the following command to check the logs for model numbers:
egrep "Multi|MT" $VSIFAX/spool/logs/modem1
  • Example output:
[root@firestorm log]# egrep "Multi|MT" $VSIFAX/spool/logs/modem1 :                 END,LOG,SYS,EVT,T30,QRY,MTP,TRM : Modem manufacturer    : Multi-Tech Systems : Modem model           : MT5634ZBA-USB : Modem entry used      : Multi-Tech with 56k Lucent chipsets