Multiple Account Support Policy

Does Eclipse support multiple Eclipse instances on a single server?

No. Eclipse supports a single instance of Eclipse per server. By server, we’re referring to a single operating system instance, be it running on a virtual or physical server.

Is it possible to run multiple Eclipse accounts on a single server?

Yes, it’s technically possible to run multiple accounts on a single server, but doing so puts your server in an unsupported configuration. Exceptions are typically made only for non-production servers.

Why doesn’t Eclipse support multiple accounts on a single server?

Eclipse is an intricate stack of software components designed to run best when operating in a dedicated environment. To run multiple Eclipse accounts on a single server, a number of workarounds or “hacks” that must be implemented (for example: updating VOC entries for non-standard database directory locations, non-standard fax feedback pipes, non-standard JBoss networking configurations, non-standard background users, etc.). These non-standard settings changes add unnecessary complexity and expose the system to configuration errors. More importantly, by running multiple accounts within the same OS instance, Eclipse accounts must share many system resources and software (for example: operating system, UniVerse database, VSIFAX, samba, networking, etc.), which means that any changes made to the shared resources will affect the other accounts. This can be especially problematic when a server hosts both production and non-production accounts alongside each other. For example, a new release of UniVerse cannot be certified against a development account with simultaneously affecting the production account running on the same server.

In the past, we have made exceptions to allow unsupported, non-production accounts to operate alongside production instances. This decision was largely based on the high cost with acquiring an additional IBM pSeries server or implementing IBM virtualization. Since the launch of support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform, cost is no longer a barrier to adoption. We will continue to support our customers with existing multi-account configurations on the AIX and RHEL platforms, but we strongly advise customers seeking to create a new account or migrate to the RHEL platform to separate accounts on individual servers.

Operating non-production accounts on their own separate physical or virtual servers has many advantages, including an improved testing environment, removal of potential resource conflicts, and the ability for customers to “refresh” their own non-production accounts as necessary.