NOTE: The IBM 3151 or 3153 dumb terminals are end-of-life and therefore not supported by IBM or Eclipse. If you need a terminal for your server, please see Where can I buy an IBM dumb terminal for my IBM pSeries server?
How to configure an IBM 3151 or 3153 dumb terminal (aka console):
- Press Control-“-“ (the minus key) to get to the setup screen
- Verify the following settings:
- Emulation = Wyse 50+
- Enhanced = on
- Comm Mode = Full duplex
- Host/Printer = EIA/None
- EIA Baud Rate = 19200 (9600 for older servers)
- AUX Baud Rate = same as EIA
- Language = US
- EIA Data Format = 8/1/N
- Aux Data Format = 8/1/N
- Sessions = One
- To save the settings and exit, press Control-“-“ (the minus key)
Note: the keys pressed must be the control in the lower-left part of the keyboard and the minus sign in the upper-right (numeric keypad). If CONTROL-MINUS does not work, try CONTROL-SETUP or CONTROL-SCROLL-LOCK. To navigate around, use the arrow key. The space bar will present a list of options.