How do I resolve fax quality issues?

By its very nature, fax is prone to relatively high failure rates. Sometimes faxes may fail entirely, but more often failures occur in the form of “garbled” faxes. Here are a few tips on avoiding these problems:

  • Make sure you’re running the latest supported version of VSIFAX (see Compatibility: Faxing)
  • Make sure you’re using supported modem(s) (seeĀ Compatibility: Faxing and Esker’s list of recommended fax hardware)
  • Contact your local and long-distance phone service providers to verify there are no line quality issues to the effected destinations
  • If you have a large number of customers using older fax equipment on the receiving end, it may help to disable advanced features by editing the vsisrv.ini file and adding the following lines to the [DEVICE] section:

If you continue to experience quality issues after performing all of the above troubleshooting steps, you may wish to contact Esker technical support.

5 thoughts on “How do I resolve fax quality issues?”

      1. Hi Again,

        I’m extra slo today. What directry should I be in and can you gove me a sample command with a date select with wildcards? Thanks

        I’m in Putty

        1. Jeff,

          To cancel multiple faxes between a range of fax IDs (example, 1200 through 1250, obtained from vfxstat or vfxolog), enter:

          vfxcancel -s 1200-1250

          To cancel multiple faxes submitted between a period of time (example, 6:00 AM and 8:30 AM), enter:

          vfxcancel -t 0600-0830



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