How do I authorize UniVerse on Linux?

To authorize UniVerse on Linux:

  • Log out all Eclipse users.
  • Login to the server as root.
  • Stop Eclipse SYSTEM.ADMIN, JBoss and the UV database processes:
service eclipse-jboss stop
service monit stop
service eclipse-system-admin stop
pkill -4 -f phantom
pkill -4 -f uv
service uv.rc stop
  • Update the UV authorization (replace [Install SN#], [Auth Qty] and [Expiration Date] with the numbers from the Rocket|U2 license change confirmation email)
cd /u2/uv
bin/uvregen -s [Install SN#] -u [Auth Qty] -e [Expiration Date]
bin/uvregen -C
  • Note the resulting configuration code for the next step.
  • Open the U2TC authorization website:
  • Fill out the first page with your contact information and select UniVerse 10.2.x and higher and press Continue:
  • Fill out the next page using the information from the Rocket|U2 license change confirmation email and the configuration code from the previous steps, then press Submit. Here’s an example:
  • Note the authorization code given on the confirmation page.
  • On the Eclipse server, authorize UV (replace [authorization code]) :
bin/uvregen -A [authorization code]
  • You may confirm your license count by running the following command:
bin/uvregen -z
  • Start the UV database, Eclipse SYSTEM.ADMIN, and JBoss:
service uv.rc start
service eclipse-system-admin start
service monit start
service eclipse-jboss start


How to Authorize UniVerse 10.2.0 and higher


Before you begin, it may be helpful to watch this short video, which goes over the entire process from start to finish:

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