Solar Java Compatibility

Q. Which version of Java should I install for compatibility with ePad and Element?

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Q. Should I install Java updates when prompted?

Yes, you should install Java updates when prompted, because Oracle often releases important security updates to the JRE. In almost every case, installing Java updates will not cause problems with Solar.

In the rare case that a Java update causes problems with the Solar client, we recommend that you first try to reinstall Solar. If performing a clean installation of Solar doesn’t resolve the issue, we recommend that you uninstall all other versions of the Java runtime environment (JRE), re-install only the JRE version that was certified with your specific release of Eclipse from the table above, and open an SR for our development team to review the issue.

Q. How do I determine which version of Java is certified for my release of Eclipse?

Please refer to the table above.

Q. Why is the version of Java on my web start page out of date?

As versions of Java with major security patches or significant features are released, the Eclipse development team integrates and tests each new version with the current version of Eclipse.

Due to the overhead involved with testing hundreds of possible combinations of Java runtime environments and Eclipse releases, the Eclipse development team only certifies the most recent Java runtime environment and Eclipse release.

Q. Is Solar compatible with Java 7?

Yes, Java 7 is bundled with Eclipse release and later, and it may be manually installed for use with earlier versions of Eclipse.

How do I mount an NTFS drive in Linux?

The following procedure can be used to mount an NTFS partition — for example, an external USB drive formatted for use in Windows — for use in Linux:
rpm -Uvh
  • Install the fuse-ntfs-3g package:
yum -y install fuse-ntfs-3g

  • Create a mount point:
mkdir -p /mnt/usb
  • Find the device ID and partition number (ie /dev/sdc2):
fdisk -l
  • Update /etc/fstab:
cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`
vim /etc/fstab
/dev/sdc2               /mnt/usb         ntfs-3g rw,umask=0000,defaults 0 0
  • Mount the drive:
mount /mnt/usb

Configure Alias IP Address in AIX

Smit tcpip, Further Configuration, Network Interfaces, Network Interface Selection, Configure Aliases, Add an IPV4 Network Alias, Select appropriate network interface:

en0 1L-08 Standard Ethernet Network Interface

then, enter alias IP address and network mask such as

The interface en0 was selected above since that is the most common. You may be using en1 or en2, so select the one that is appropriate for your environment.