New Relic Monitoring

There are many monitoring solutions available, and many of them work well with Eclipse servers, but we recommend the New Relic monitoring solution for customers interested in setting up monitoring quickly and easily.

We’ve prepared the following guide to help customers implement New Relic monitoring on their Eclipse servers, but Eclipse does not provide technical support for New Relic. If you have any questions, please contact New Relic support directly.

Sign up for a New Relic account

Before you can install the New Relic software, you’ll need to sign up for an account. They have a free option for customers that need basic monitoring and 24 hours of historical data, or you can upgrade to one of the more advanced tiers.

To sign up for an account, go to the New Relic website and follow the instructions.

Install the server monitoring agents

The server monitoring agents will track things like processor utilization and disk usage.


Enable the New Relic repository:

rpm -Uvh

Install New Relic’s server monitoring daemon:

yum install newrelic-sysmond

Configure the daemon with your license key (which you can obtain the Account Settings page):

nrsysmond-config --set license_key=27c16493aa50f89546b3caed34e3ee81880ab786

Start the daemon:

/etc/init.d/newrelic-sysmond start


Download the installer appropriate for your system:

Double click the installer file and follow the prompts to start the installation — generally you can click “Next” and the installer will try to pick smart defaults for you.

Enter your New Relic license key (which you can obtain the Account Settings page) when prompted, and click “OK”.

Install the application server agent

Note: installing the application server agent requires restarting JBoss, which will be disruptive to Solar and Job Management users.

Go to the Applications page and click Add more.

Choose the “Java” language

Click “Reveal your license key”

Click “Download New Relic Java agent”

Transfer the .zip file to the application server’s JBoss directory (e.g. /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss) via the method of your choice (e.g. FTP, SCP)

Log into the server as root, then extract and install the agent:

cd /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss
unzip newrelic*.zip

Set permissions:

chown -R jboss:jboss newrelic

Backup the current JBoss configuration:

cp /u2/eclipse/modules-conf/jboss.conf /u2/eclipse/modules-conf/jboss.conf.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`

Change the name of the application (the name that will be displayed on the New Relic web interface) from “My Application” to something more descriptive (e.g. companyname-Solar)

Add a line for New Relic to the end of the JBoss configuration file:

vim /u2/eclipse/modules-conf/jboss.conf
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:/u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/newrelic/newrelic.jar"

Restart JBoss

service eclipse-jboss halt
service eclipse-jboss start

Uninstalling New Relic

To uninstall the application server agent:

vim /u2/eclipse/modules-conf/jboss.conf

Remove the following line:

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:/u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/newrelic/newrelic.jar"

Restart JBoss to undeploy the agent.

Remove the New Relic agent files:

rm -rf /u2/eclipse/modules/jboss/newrelic

To remove the Linux server monitoring agent:

yum remove newrelic-sysmond