The Eclipse API is a set of REST transaction endpoints that support creating new records, reading records, updating existing records or deleting records in the respective Eclipse file.  The API is designed to support extension and expansion of the Eclipse system by customers, partners and Epicor.  Phase 1 begins with 15 endpoints in Release 9.05.

No additional license or maintenance fees are required at least for this initial launch.  Accordingly, all services and support are billable.  Assistance is likely to require a high degree of technical knowledge and be particular to the data, environment and intent of the user.  If a support case is found to be an API defect, no time will be billed.

Primary API endpoint documentation is deployed with the API.  See online API Documentation.  IE http://EclipseServer:Port     (Default port is typically 5000)

Review the:

Eclipse API Getting Started Guide
Eclipse API Reference documentation is provided that the following address: Eclipse API Reference Documentation


Needing further assistance with the Eclipse API?  Contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager (CAM) to quote you some hours (billed as used) for further assistance.