To reboot the AIX (UNIX) server, first make sure that people are not actively using the system. Reboots are usually done off-hours.
Procedure for rebooting the server:
- Login as the “root” user. You must have password for the root user.
- At the “#” prompt, type in the following command:
shutdown -Fr
Procedure for shutting down the server:
- Login as the “root” user. You must have password for the root user.
- At the “#” prompt, type in the following command:
shutdown -F
Procedure for powering on the server:
- Verify that the server is plugged into an appropriate power source.
- Wait 1 minute for the system to complete pre-boot diagnostics.
- If the power light is blinking green every second or two, the system is in a standby state and ready to be powered on.
- Press the white power button.
- The green power light should stop blinking and remain lit.
- Wait up to 5 minutes for the server to boot into AIX. During this process, you will see status messages scroll by on the console window and the front-panel display.
- If the system does not boot correctly, or the server hangs for longer than 5 minutes on any single status code, please contact IBM for assistance.