Address validation APIs (added 9.0.6)
GET | /Address | Validate an address provided. |
AR Inquiry APIs (added 9.1.0, requires the Eclipse Accounting API or Eclipse Accounts Receivable API license)
GET | /ARInquiry | Read an ARInquiry object |
Controller to handle the Bank API
Bank APIs (added 9.1.1)
GET | /Banks | Performs a get for Banks associated to a Branch. |
Branch APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /Branches/{id} | Read a single Branch |
PUT | /Branches/{id} | Update the Branch with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /Branches/{id} | Delete the Branch with the passed ID |
GET | /Branches | Search for branches using query parameters |
POST | /Branches | Create the Branch with the passed ID using the object passed. |
GET | /Branches/{id}/ShipVia | Read the Branch Ship Via Override details (added 9.1.0) |
GET | /Branches/ValidationList | Fetch the Valid Branch List for the logged in user (added 9.1.0) |
Buy line branch APIs (added 9.0.6)
GET | /BuyLineBranch/{id} | Read a single BuyLineBranch |
PUT | /BuyLineBranch/{id} | Update the BuyLineBranch with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /BuyLineBranch/{id} | Delete the BuyLineBranch with the passed ID |
GET | /BuyLineBranch | Search for BuyLineBranchList using query parameters |
POST | /BuyLineBranch | Create the BuyLineBranch with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Buyline APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /BuyLines/{id} | Read a single BuyLine |
PUT | /BuyLines/{id} | Update the BuyLine with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /BuyLines/{id} | Delete the BuyLine with the passed ID |
GET | /BuyLines | Search for buyLines using query parameters |
POST | /BuyLines | Create the BuyLine with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Carton Packing task APIs (added 9.1.1, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)
GET | /CartonStatus | Performs a Carton status get |
POST | /CartonPacking | Create a new Carton ID for the specifed Order. |
POST | /CartonPacking/ConvertTote | Convert a staged Tote into a new Carton ID. |
GET | /CartonPacking/CartonHeader | Performs a Carton status get |
PUT | /CartonPacking/CartonHeader/{id} | Update Carton Header |
POST | /PrintCartonLabels | Print labels for a given carton id |
PUT | /CartonPacking/CartonFinished/{id} | Performs finished packing operation |
GET | /CartonPacking/PackUnpack | |
PUT | /CartonPacking/PackUnpack | |
GET | /CartonPacking/MasterPackUnpack | MasterCartonPackUnpack Controller |
PUT | /CartonPacking/MasterPackUnpack | MasterCartonPackUnpack Controller |
Cash Receipt APIs (added 9.1.1, requires Eclipse Accounting API or Eclipse Accounts Receivable API license)
GET | /CashReceipts/{id} | Read a single CashReceipt |
PUT | /CashReceipts/{id} | Update the CashReceipt with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /CashReceipts/{id} | Delete the CashReceipt with the passed ID |
GET | /CashReceipts | Search for cashReceipts using query parameters |
POST | /CashReceipts | Create the CashReceipt with information that is being passed. |
Contact APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /Contacts/{id} | Read a single Contact |
PUT | /Contacts/{id} | Update the Contact with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /Contacts/{id} | Delete the Contact with the passed ID |
GET | /Contacts | Search for contacts using query parameters |
POST | /Contacts | Create the Contact with the passed ID using the object passed. |
GET | /Contacts/WebSettings | Search for contactWebs using query parameters |
POST | /Contacts/WebSettings | Create the ContactWeb with the passed ID using the object passed. |
GET | /Contacts/{id}/WebSettings | Read a single ContactWeb |
PUT | /Contacts/{id}/WebSettings | Update the ContactWeb with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /Contacts/{id}/WebSettings | Delete the ContactWeb with the passed ID |
Customer authorized branch APIs (added 9.0.6)
GET | /CustomerBranchAuths/{id} | Read a single CustomerBranchAuth |
PUT | /CustomerBranchAuths/{id} | Update the CustomerBranchAuth with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /CustomerBranchAuths/{id} | Delete the CustomerBranchAuth with the passed ID |
GET | /CustomerBranchAuths | Search for customerBranchAuths using query parameters |
POST | /CustomerBranchAuths | Create the CustomerBranchAuth with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Customer APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /Customers/{id} | Read a single Customer |
PUT | /Customers/{id} | Update the Customer with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /Customers/{id} | Delete the Customer with the passed ID |
GET | /Customers | Search for customers using query parameters |
POST | /Customers | Create the Customer with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Customer part number APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /CustomerPartNumbers/{id} | Read a single CustomerPartNumber |
PUT | /CustomerPartNumbers/{id} | Update the CustomerPartNumber with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /CustomerPartNumbers/{id} | Delete the CustomerPartNumber with the passed ID |
GET | /CustomerPartNumbers | Search for customerPartNumbers using query parameters |
POST | /CustomerPartNumbers | Create the CustomerPartNumber with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Descartes Integration APIs (added 9.1.1, requires Eclipse Descartes Integration license)
POST | /Descartes/{oid}/InternalNotes | Append the SalesOrderInternalNotes with the passed ID using the object passed. |
POST | /Descartes/OrderDelivered | Deliver Order with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Document imaging file APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /DocumentImagingFiles/{id} | Read the full binary attachment plus attachment information |
PUT | /DocumentImagingFiles/{id} | Update the DocumentImagingFile with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /DocumentImagingFiles/{id} | Delete the DocumentImagingFile with the passed ID |
GET | /DocumentImagingFiles | Search for documentImagingFileInfomrmations using query parameters |
POST | /DocumentImagingFiles | Create the DocumentImagingFile with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Document imaging profile APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /DocumentImagingProfiles/{id} | Read a single DocumentImagingProfile |
PUT | /DocumentImagingProfiles/{id} | Update the DocumentImagingProfile with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /DocumentImagingProfiles/{id} | Delete the DocumentImagingProfile with the passed ID |
GET | /DocumentImagingProfiles | Search for documentImagingProfiles using query parameters |
POST | /DocumentImagingProfiles | Create the DocumentImagingProfile with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Document imaging storage location APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /DocumentImagingStorageLocations/{id} | Read a single DocumentImagingStorageLocation |
PUT | /DocumentImagingStorageLocations/{id} | Update the DocumentImagingStorageLocation with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /DocumentImagingStorageLocations/{id} | Delete the DocumentImagingStorageLocation with the passed ID |
GET | /DocumentImagingStorageLocations | Search for documentImagingStorageLocations using query parameters |
POST | /DocumentImagingStorageLocations | Create the DocumentImagingStorageLocation with the passed ID using the object passed. |
General Ledger account APIs (added 9.1.1)
GET | /GlAccounts/{id} | Read a single GlAccount |
PUT | /GlAccounts/{id} | Update the GlAccount with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /GlAccounts/{id} | Delete the GlAccount with the passed ID |
GET | /GlAccounts | Search for glAccounts using query parameters |
POST | /GlAccounts | Create the GlAccount with the passed ID using the object passed. |
General Ledger APIs (added 9.1.2, requires Eclipse Accounting API license)
GET | /GL/BusinessSummary | Get the Business Summary Information |
GET | /GL/GLBudget | Brings up the equivalent to the Solar GL Budget Maintenance Screen |
POST | /GL/GLBudget/{id} | Updates the Budget for the desired GL Account |
PUT | /GL/GLBudget/{id} | Copy a budget of an account, branch, or year to the desired account and update it. |
DELETE | /GL/GLBudget/{id} | Deletes a GL Budget record |
GET | /GL/Template/{tid} | Read a single GL Tempate by Id |
POST | /GL/Template | Create a General Ledger Template with the passed ID using the object passed. |
PUT | /GL/Template/{id} | Update the General Ledger Template with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /GL/Template/{id} | Delete the General Ledger Template with the passed ID |
GET | /GL/Allocation/{aid} | Read a single GL Allocation by id |
PUT | /GL/Allocation/{aid} | Update a GL Allocation record |
DELETE | /GL/Allocation/{aid} | Delete a GL Allocation record |
POST | /GL/Allocation | Create a new GL Allocation record |
General Ledger inquiry APIs (added 9.1.2, requires Eclipse Accounting API license)
GET | /GLInquiry | Read an GLInquiry object |
General Ledger inquiry detail APIs (added 9.1.2, requires Eclipse Accounting API license)
GET | /GLInquiryDetail | Get a GL Inquiry Detail record |
General Ledger subledger inquiry APIs (added 9.1.2, requires Eclipse Accounting API license)
GET | /GLSubledgerInquiry | Read an GLSubledgerInquiry object |
Journal entry APIs (added 9.1.2, requires Eclipse Accounting API license)
GET | /Journals/{id} | Read a single Journal by Id |
PUT | /Journals/{id} | Update the Journal with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /Journals/{id} | Delete the Journal with the passed ID |
GET | /Journals | Search for journals using query parameters |
POST | /Journals | Create the Journal with the passed ID using the object passed. |
GET | /Journals/Template/{tid} | Read a single template Journal by ID |
DELETE | /Journals/Template/{tid} | Delete the Journal template with the passed ID |
POST | /Journals/Template | Create a Journal template with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Label formats APIs (added 9.0.7)
GET | /LabelFormat | Returns a list of format labels |
Payable APIs (added 9.1.1, requires Eclipse Accounting API or Eclipse Accounts Payable API license)
GET | /Payables/{id} | Read a single Payable |
PUT | /Payables/{id} | Update the Payable with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /Payables/{id} | Delete the Payable with the passed ID |
GET | /Payables | Search for payables using query parameters |
POST | /Payables | Create the Payable with the passed ID using the object passed. |
GET | /Payables/OpenInvoices | Search for payables using query parameters |
PUT | /Payables/{id}/ManualCheck | Create the Payable with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Postal code APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /PostalCodes/{id} | Read a single PostalCode |
PUT | /PostalCodes/{id} | Update the PostalCode with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /PostalCodes/{id} | Delete the PostalCode with the passed ID |
GET | /PostalCodes | Search for postalCodes using query parameters |
POST | /PostalCodes | Create the PostalCode with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Price line branch APIs (added 9.0.6)
GET | /PriceLineBranch/{id} | Read a single PriceLineBranch |
PUT | /PriceLineBranch/{id} | Update the PriceLineBranch with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /PriceLineBranch/{id} | Delete the PriceLineBranch with the passed ID |
GET | /PriceLineBranch | Search for PriceLineBranch using query parameters |
Price line APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /PriceLines/{id} | Read a single PriceLine |
PUT | /PriceLines/{id} | Update the PriceLine with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /PriceLines/{id} | Delete the PriceLine with the passed ID |
GET | /PriceLines | Search for priceLines using query parameters |
POST | /PriceLines | Create the PriceLine with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Price matrix APIs (added 9.0.6, requires Eclipse Pricing API license)
GET | /PriceMatrices/{matrixType}/{id} | Read a single PriceMatrix |
PUT | /PriceMatrices/{matrixType}/{id} | Update the PriceMatrix with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /PriceMatrices/{matrixType}/{id} | Delete the PriceMatrix with the passed ID |
POST | /PriceMatrices/{matrixType} | Create the PriceMatrix with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Price matrix initial information APIs (added 9.0.6, requires Eclipse Pricing API license)
GET | /PriceMatrixInformation/{matrixType} | Consult Matrix effective dates. |
Product APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /Products/BasicInformation | Get the Basic Information for a given Product (added 9.1.0) |
GET | /Products/{id} | Read a single Product |
PUT | /Products/{id} | Update the Product with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /Products/{id} | Delete the Product with the passed ID |
GET | /Products | Search for products using query parameters |
POST | /Products/GraphQL | Search for products using query parameters (receives GraphQL Query) (added 9.2.0) |
POST | /Products | Create the Product with the passed ID using the object passed. |
POST | /Products/{id}/GraphQL | Read a single product (receives GraphQL Query) (added 9.2.0) |
GET | /Products/{id}/ImageUrl | Retrieve an image of the product if available (added 9.1.0) |
GET | /Products/{id}/PricingUpdateIdentifiers | Retrieves the Price Update Identifiers for the given product. Use this endpoint if the user is NOT having PROD.MAINT auth key,but has other related Auth Keys like RF.PRD.PU.EDIT with View Levels.Auth Keys Required : RF.PRD.PU.EDIT , Level >=1 (added 9.1.1) |
PUT | /Products/{id}/PricingUpdateIdentifiers | Updates the Price Update Identifiers for the given product. Use this endpoint if the user is NOT having PROD.MAINT edit level auth key,but has other related Auth Keys like RF.PRD.PU.EDIT with Edit Levels.Auth Keys Required : RF.PRD.PU.EDIT , Level >=2 (added 9.1.1) |
GET | /Products/{id}/ProductBranch | Read product branch information (added 22.1) |
Product family APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /ProductFamilies/{id} | Read a single ProductFamily |
PUT | /ProductFamilies/{id} | Update the ProductFamily with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /ProductFamilies/{id} | Delete the ProductFamily with the passed ID |
GET | /ProductFamilies/{id}/ProductFamilyBranches/{branchid} | Read a single ProductFamily and Branch |
PUT | /ProductFamilies/{id}/ProductFamilyBranches/{branchid} | Update the ProductFamily with the passed branch ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /ProductFamilies/{id}/ProductFamilyBranches/{branchid} | Delete the ProductFamily with the passed branch ID |
GET | /ProductFamilies | Search for productFamilies using query parameters |
POST | /ProductFamilies | Create the ProductFamily with the passed ID using the object passed. |
POST | /ProductFamilies/{id}/ProductFamilyBranches | Create the ProductFamily with the passed branch ID using the object passed. |
Handles the product future/history ledgers (added 22.1)
GET | /FutureLedger/{productNumber}/{branch} | Reads a single history ledger |
GET | /HistoryLedger/{productNumber}/{branch} | Reads a single history ledger |
PUT | /HistoryLedger/{id} | Updates the status of a history ledger entry. |
Product inventory APIs (added 9.0.6)
GET | /ProductInventoryList/{id} | Read a single ProductInventory |
PUT | /ProductInventoryList/{id} | Update the ProductInventory with the passed ID using the object passed. |
GET | /ProductInventoryList/{id}/{branch} | Read a single ProductInventory |
GET | /ProductInventoryList | Search for productInventoryList using query parameters |
POST | /ProductInventoryList | Create the ProductInventory with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Product Inventory Inquiry APIs (added 9.0.5)
Returns total availability and branch level availability of customer accessible branches.
GET | /ProductInventoryInquiry | returns Total availability and Branch Level Availability of Customer Accessible Branches. |
Product Inventory PricingInquiry APIs (added (9.0.6)
Returns the Product Unit Price that is returned from
“ProductPricingInquiry” and Product Inventory Information from
GET | /ProductInventoryPricingInquiry | The inventory availability and pricing for home branch/first accessible branch. |
GET | /VendorProductInventoryPricingInquiry | External systems use this endpoint to fetch the inventory availability and pricing for home branch/first accessible branch. Used for B2B calls. (added 9.2.0) |
Product location activity APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /ProductLocationActivityLogs/{id} | Read a single ProductLocationActivityLog |
PUT | /ProductLocationActivityLogs/{id} | Update the ProductLocationActivityLog with the passed ID using the object passed. |
GET | /ProductLocationActivityLogs | Search for productLocationActivityLogs using query parameters |
POST | /ProductLocationActivityLogs | Create the ProductLocationActivityLog with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Product pricing inquiry APIs (added 9.0.6)
Return product unit price for home/1st accessible branch of customer and pricing UOM.
GET | /ProductPricingInquiry | returns the Product Unit Price for Home Branch/1st Accessible Branch. |
GET | /ProductPricingMassInquiry | returns the list of Products Unit Price for home branch/first accessible branch. (added 9.1.0) |
Purchase order APIs (added 9.1.1, requires Eclipse Purchase Order API license)
GET | /PurchaseOrders/{oid} | Read a single PurchaseOrder |
GET | /PurchaseOrders | Search for Purchase Orders using query parameters |
POST | /PurchaseOrders | Create a Purchase Order. |
PUT | /PurchaseOrders/{oid}/Status | Update Status of the Purchase Order |
POST | /PurchaseOrders/{oid}/LineItems | Add line items to an existing Purchase Order (added 9.1.2). |
DELETE | /PurchaseOrders/{oid}/LineItems | Delete Line Item of Purchase Order (added 9.1.2). |
PUT | /PurchaseOrders/{oid}/QtyLineItems | Update quantity of Line Item of Purchase Order (added 9.1.2). |
POST | /PurchaseOrders/{oid}/Shipment | Create a new shipment/generation (added 9.1.2). |
PUT | /PurchaseOrders/{oid}/LineItems/MoveItemGeneration | Move line items from a generation to another generation in an existing Purchase Order (added 9.1.2). |
PUT | /PurchaseOrders/{oid}/ReceiveDate | Update receive date (added 9.2.0) |
PUT | /PurchaseOrders/{oid}/ShipVia | Update Ship Via (added 9.2.0) |
Controller to handle the B2B “Test Connection Outbound calls”.
This feature is used in B2B (OE->Inquiry->B2B -> PostURL)
GET | /VendorTestConnection | Test Connection |
Sales order APIs (added 9.0.7, requires Eclipse Sales Order API license)
GET | /SalesOrders/{oid} | Read a single SalesOrder |
GET | /SalesOrders | Search for Sales Orders using query parameters |
POST | /SalesOrders | Create a Sales Order. |
PUT | /SalesOrders/{oid}/QtyLineItems | Update Quantity of Line Items of Sales Order. (added 9.1.2) |
PUT | /SalesOrders/{oid}/Status | Update Status (added 9.1.2) |
GET | /SalesOrders/{oid}/OrderChangeLog | Read a single OrderChangeLog (added 9.1.0) |
POST | /SalesOrders/{oid}/OrderChangeLog/Comment | Create an OrderChangeLogComment with the passed OrderChangeLog ID. (added 9.1.0) |
GET | /SalesOrders/{oid}/InternalNotes | Read a single SalesOrder internal notes (added 9.1.0) |
PUT | /SalesOrders/{oid}/InternalNotes | Update the SalesOrderInternalNotes with the passed ID using the object passed. (added 9.1.0) |
POST | /SalesOrders/{oid}/InternalNotes | Append the SalesOrderInternalNotes with the passed ID using the object passed. (added 9.1.0) |
POST | /SalesOrders/{oid}/Shipment | Create a new shipment/generation. (added 9.1.2) |
POST | /SalesOrders/{oid}/LineItems | Add line items to an existing Sales Order. (added 9.1.2) |
DELETE | /SalesOrders/{oid}/LineItems | Delete Line Item of Sales Order. (added 9.1.2) |
PUT | /SalesOrders/{oid}/LineItems/MoveItemGeneration | Move line items from a shipment/generation to another shipment/generation in an existing Sales Order. (added 9.1.2) |
PUT | /SalesOrders/{oid}/ShipDate | Update ship date (added 9.2.0) |
PUT | /SalesOrders/{oid}/ShipVia | Update ship via (added 9.2.0) |
Shipping manifest APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /ShippingManifests/{id} | Read a single ShippingManifest |
GET | /ShippingManifests | Search for shippingManifests using query parameters |
Ship via APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /ShipVias/{id} | Read a single ShipVia |
PUT | /ShipVias/{id} | Update the ShipVia with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /ShipVias/{id} | Delete the ShipVia with the passed ID |
GET | /ShipVias | Search for shipVias using query parameters |
POST | /ShipVias | Create the ShipVia with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Terms APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /TermsList/{id} | Read a single Terms |
PUT | /TermsList/{id} | Update the Terms with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /TermsList/{id} | Delete the Terms with the passed ID |
GET | /TermsList | Search for termsList using query parameters |
POST | /TermsList | Create the Terms with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Territory APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /Territories/{id} | Read a single Territory |
PUT | /Territories/{id} | Update the Territory with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /Territories/{id} | Delete the Territory with the passed ID |
GET | /Territories | Search for territories using query parameters |
POST | /Territories | Create the Territory with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Transfer order APIs (added 9.1.2, requires Eclipse Transfer Order API license)
GET | /TransferOrders/{oid} | Read a single TransferOrder |
GET | /TransferOrders | Search for Transfer Orders using query parameters |
POST | /TransferOrders | Create a Transfer Order. |
PUT | /TransferOrders/{oid}/Status | Update Status of the Transfer Order |
POST | /TransferOrders/{oid}/LineItems | Add line items to an existing Transfer Order. |
DELETE | /TransferOrders/{oid}/LineItems | Delete Line Item of Transfer Order. |
PUT | /TransferOrders/{oid}/QtyLineItems | Update Quantity of Line Items of Transfer Order. (added 9.1.2) |
PUT | /TransferOrders/{oid}/ShipReceiveDate | Update ship/receive date (added 9.2.0) |
PUT | /TransferOrders/{oid}/ShipVia | Update ship via (added 9.2.0) |
User APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /Users/{id} | Read a single User |
PUT | /Users/{id} | Update the User with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /Users/{id} | Delete the User with the passed ID |
GET | /Users | Search for users using query parameters |
POST | /Users | Create the User with the passed ID using the object passed. |
GET | /Users/Pickers | Search for pickers using query parameters |
GET | /Users/UsersList | Search for a list of basic user information for an authorized/home branch (added 9.2.0) |
Vendor authorized branch APIs (added 9.0.7)
GET | /VendorBranchAuths/{id} | Read a single VendorBranchAuth |
PUT | /VendorBranchAuths/{id} | Update the VendorBranchAuth with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /VendorBranchAuths/{id} | Delete the VendorBranchAuth with the passed ID |
GET | /VendorBranchAuths | Search for vendorBranchAuths using query parameters |
POST | /VendorBranchAuths | Create the VendorBranchAuth with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Vendor APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /Vendors/{id} | Read a single Vendor |
PUT | /Vendors/{id} | Update the Vendor with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /Vendors/{id} | Delete the Vendor with the passed ID |
GET | /Vendors | Search for vendors using query parameters |
POST | /Vendors | Create the Vendor with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Vendor part numbers APIs (added 9.0.5)
GET | /VendorPartNumbers/{id} | Read a single VendorPartNumber |
PUT | /VendorPartNumbers/{id} | Update the VendorPartNumber with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /VendorPartNumbers/{id} | Delete the VendorPartNumber with the passed ID |
GET | /VendorPartNumbers | Search for vendorPartNumbers using query parameters |
POST | /VendorPartNumbers | Create the VendorPartNumber with the passed ID using the object passed. |
B2B product inquiry outbound call handler APIs (added 9.0.6)
This feature is used in B2B (OE->Inquiry->B2B)
GET | /VendorProductInquiry | Fetch the Product Stock and Pricing informations. |
Warehouse cross-dock APIs (added 9.1.2)
GET | /WarehouseTasks/GetCrossDockOrders | Gets a list of orders for CrossDock |
Warehouse cycle count task APIs (added (9.1.0, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)
GET | /WarehouseTasks/CycleCountTask | Performs a Cycle Count get |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/CycleCountLocations | Performs a Cycle Count by Location get |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/CycleCountTask/{id} | Performs a Cycle Count update |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/CycleCountTask/RelatedCountTasks | Performs a get Cycle Count RelatedCountTasks |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/CycleCountTask/RelatedCountTasks/{id} | Performs a Cycle Count update |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/CycleCountTask/QueueCycleCounts/{id} | Performs a Cycle Count queuing |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/PhysicalCycleCountTaskGet a Physical Cycle Count (added 9.2.0) | |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/PhysicalCycleCountLoadInGets a Physical Count LoadIn (added 9.2.0) | |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/PhysicalCycleCountTask/{id}Performs a Physical Cycle Count update for products (added 9.2.0) |
Warehouse general task APIs (added (9.0.7, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/AdjustmentTask/{id} | Performs Quantity Adjustments for Warehouse Tasks |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/LocationTasks/{id} | Performs Location Update for Warehouse Tasks |
GET | /WarehouseScan | Warehouse Scan search |
GET | /WarehouseCartonTypes | Gets the list of valid Package Types |
GET | /WarehouseLocationCheck | Checks if a warehouse location is valid |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/SerialNumbers | Returns a list of Serial Numbers |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/SerialNumbers/{id} | Update or Create Serial Numbers |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/WarehouseTaskCount | Fetch the counts of Warehouse tasks like Picking/Staging/Receiving/pick select etc. (added 9.0.7, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)) |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/BackOrders | Bulk Back Orders |
GET | /OrderPackageCount | Returns the package count for the invoice (invoiceNumber must be in query parameters) |
PUT | /OrderPackageCount | Updates using the passed WarehouseOrderPackages body |
Warehouse inquiry task APIs (added (9.1.0, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)
GET | /WarehouseTasks/ProductUPCs/{id} | Get UPC from id Product |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/ProductUPCs/{id} | Update Product UPCs for the Product id |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/LocationMaintenance/CycleCount | Generates a Cycle Count entry for the selected Product Location |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/LocationMaintenance | Read RF location data for the specified product and branch |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/LocationMaintenance/{id} | Update RF location data for the specified product and branch |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/LocationMove/{id} | Allows moving a product from one location into another location or tote |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/InprocessQueue | Searches Warehouse Inprocess Records |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/InprocessQueue | Closes Warehouse Inprocess Records |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/ProductMTRs/{id} | Updates the product heat numbers on an order (added 22.1) |
Warehouse inquiry task APIs (added (9.1.1, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)
GET | /WarehouseLoadTasks/LoadCarton | Get a list Load Carton Tasks |
PUT | /WarehouseLoadTasks/LoadCarton/{id} | Allow loading of cartons to trucks via manifest. |
GET | /WarehouseLoadTasks/LoadTote | Get the list of totes to load (added 9.2.0) |
PUT | /WarehouseLoadTasks/LoadTote/{id} | Allow loading of totes to trucks (added 9.2.0) |
Warehouse open tote APIs (added (9.0.6, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)
GET | /WarehouseOpenTotes/{id} | Read a single WarehouseOpenTote |
GET | /WarehouseOpenTotes | Search for warehouseOpenTotes using query parameters |
Warehouse picking task APIs (added 9.0.6, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)
GET | /WarehouseTasks/PickTasks | Search for Pick Tasks |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/PickTasks | Assigns a Pick Tasks |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/UserPick | Search for Pick Tasks assigned to picker |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/UserPick/{id} | Completes a pick and assigns a tote ID. |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/UserPickMultitote/{id} | Completes a pick with multiple totes. (added 9.1.0) |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/CloseTask/{id} | Completes the Pick of an Order |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/QuickPick | Generates a new quick pick ID (added 9.1.0) |
Warehouse printing task APIs (added 9.0.7, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)
POST | /WarehouseTasks/PrintUnverifiedReceiveLabels | Prints labels for a set of Receivable items |
POST | /WarehouseTasks/PrintRFLabels | Print labels for a given order |
POST | /WarehouseTasks/PrintProductLabels | Prints Product Labels |
POST | /WarehouseTasks/PrintTicket/{id} | Performs Print Ticket for Warehouse Tasks |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/PrinterForms | Get the list of printers for a certain location |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/PrinterLocations | Get the list of printer locations by branch |
POST | /WarehouseTasks/PrintLotLabels | Print lots for a given order and given lot list (added 9.2.0) |
Warehouse put away task APIs (added 9.0.7, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)
GET | /WarehouseTasks/PutAwayTote | Search for Unassigned PutAway Totes |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/PutAwayTote/{id} | Assign a PutAway Tote |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/UserPutAway | Search for Put Away Tasks assigned to the user |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/UserPutAway/{id} | Completes a Putaway |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/ImmediatePutAway/{id} | Completes an Immediate Putaway |
Warehouse receive verify task APIs (added 9.0.7, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)
GET | /WarehouseTasks/ReceiveTasks | Search for Receive Tasks |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/ReceiveOpenOrders | Search for Open Orders |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/ReceiveOpenOrders/{id} | Receives the specified generation. |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/VerifyingTask | Get the data of the item to verify |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/VerifyingTask/{id} | Completes a Receive Verify |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/ShipmentVerifyingTask | Get the data of the shipment item to verify |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/GetReceiveBoxes | Search for list of open boxes to process carton number for EDI 856 (added 9.1.2) |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/ContainerReceiveOrders/{id} | Receives the specified generation. |
Warehouse replenishment task APIs (added 9.1.0, requires Eclipse Warehouse API license)
GET | /WarehouseTasks/ReplenishmentTasks | Search for Replenishment Tasks |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/UserReplenishment | Get for User Replenishment |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/ReplenishmentTasks/{id} | Assign or UnAssign Replenishment tasks to User |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/UserReplenishment/{id} | Complete replenishment pick |
APIs to read the required system settings required for the Warehouse applications (added 9.0.7)
GET | /WarehouseSystemSettings | Retrieves the required Control Record for Warehouse applications |
Controller to handle the WarehouseToteTask API
GET | /WarehouseTasks/ToteTask | Search for Stage Tasks |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/ToteTask/{id} | Stages a Tote and updates staging location. |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/TotePackages | Gets a list of Tote’s Packages. |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/TotePackages/{id} | Updates Tote’s Packages List |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/CheckTote | Search for Warehouse Check |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/CheckStagedTotes | Check if an order can be closed after stage the last tote of the order. |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/ToteAudit | Get Open Totes Audit Tasks (added 22.1) |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/ToteAudit | Update Tote Audit Tasks (added 22.1) |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/ToteConsolidate | Get Tote Consolidate Tasks (added 22.1) |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/ToteConsolidate | Update Tote Consolidate Tasks (added 22.1) |
GET | /WarehouseTasks/ToteStaging | Retrieves list of totes in picking status for staging |
PUT | /WarehouseTasks/ToteStaging | Update Open Totes Status. |
Workstation/terminal APIs (added 9.1.0)
GET | /WorkStation/BasicInformation | Read the basic information for the given workstations |
GET | /WorkStation/{id} | Read a single Workstation |
PUT | /WorkStation/{id} | Update the Workstation with the passed ID using the object passed. |
DELETE | /WorkStation/{id} | Delete the Workstation with the passed ID |
GET | /WorkStation | Search for Workstations using query parameters |
POST | /WorkStation | Create the Workstation with the passed ID using the object passed. |
GET | /WorkStation/ValidationList | Retrieve the list of the valid workstation ids in the system. |
Epicor Virtual Assistant(EVA) APIs to handle search on Entities based on the given user input
GET | /EntitySearch | API to figure out entity type of the given input. |
Epicor Virtual Assistant(EVA) APIs to fetch the EVA configurations required for the Mobile App
GET | /api/.configuration | Get the required Eclipse configuration for EVA Mobile App |
Epicor Virtual Assistant(EVA) APIs for getting and setting up of EVA ID.
GET | /EvaInfo | Read a single EvaInfo |
POST | /EvaInfo | Create the EvaInfo with the passed ID using the object passed. |
Epicor Virtual Assistant(EVA) APIs to get logged in user details like Roles etc. APIs (added 9.1.0)
GET | /Auth/Roles | Indicates whether the user has the given role(s). |
GET | /Auth/IsAdmin | Verify if the logged in user have the admin privileges |
GET | /Auth/GetRoles | Get the available Roles for the User |
GET | /Auth/GetAccessibleBranches | Get the accessible branches for the User. Very first record returned , is the home Branch. |
Controller to handle the eclipse product downloads.
GET | /Downloads/EclipseWarehouseManagement | Download Link for WMS app |
APIs for sessions for active clients connecting to the API (added 9.0.5)
GET | /Sessions/{id} | Retrieve a session |
DELETE | /Sessions/{id} | Delete an existing session (essentially log out). |
PUT | /Sessions/{id} | Update an existing session.Only a few fields in session are updateable, all other changes are ignored.You must have access to the session to modify it. |
POST | /Sessions | Create a new session |
POST | /SessionRefresh | Refresh the session that is expired, but not deleted. |
POST | /OneTimeUseKeySession | Allows the creation of a session using a One-Time Use Key, generated by the system |
APIs for retrieving versions of the current version of ERP and the other companion products (added (9.1.0)
GET | /Version/WMS | Get the Eclipse WMS App build version.Apk is stored in the wwwroot page. |
GET | /Version/API | Return the version of the API code. |