How do I cancel faxes in the VSIFAX queue?

Many times it’s quicker to cancel faxes from the VSI-FAX queue in AIX, Linux or Windows instead of from the Eclipse outgoing fax status queue.

To cancel all faxes for a certain user (for example, johndoe):

vfxcancel -u johndoe "*"

To locate the job number and cancel a single fax (for example, job number 1234):

vfxcancel 1234
For more information on the many VSIFAX administration command functions, see the VSI-FAX Reference Addendum.

How to Purge the Outgoing Fax Queue

If the outgoing fax queue has old and/or stale information, it may be necessary to purge this queue.  To do this, open two separate sessions: one Eterm session logged into the Eclipse application, and an SSH root session. This is an advanced procedure, so proceed at your own risk or call Eclipse for assistance. This should be done after all valid faxes have gone out as it will clear EVERYTHING in the outgoing queue.

From Eterm’s main menu, press F2 -> T (TCL)
At the ; prompt, type in this command:

;clear.file.real fax.queue

After you hit ENTER, the session will most likely hang for a while, because there will be a lock on the file. Now, from the root session, find the Process ID for FAX.FEEDBACK3 with this command:

ps -ef | grep FAX

The Process ID (PID) will be the first set of number on the line with FAX.FEEDBACK3. For example:

[root@eclipse enp]# ps -ef | grep FAX
eclipseB  7248 29271  0 11:32 ?        00:00:01 phantom PHW FAX.FEEDBACK3
root     11469  7149  0 11:57 pts/2    00:00:00 grep FAX

Kill that process with this command:

kill -4 7248

The outgoing fax queue should now be clear and the fax feedback phantom should automatically start within 1 minute.

Type “exit” to close the root session and hit “ESC” to exit the TCL screen.

How do I add or change a VSI-FAX modem?

Identifying the Serial Port

Before adding or changing a modem, verify the port name.

On Linux, you can typically get a list of serial ports using:

ls -l /dev/tty*

On AIX, you can get a list of the serial ports using:

lsdev -Cc tty

Once you have identified the appropriate serial port, you may continue with adding or changing the modem(s) in VSI-FAX.

If you are having difficulty identifying the serial port device name(s), please refer to the manufacturer’s documentation or contact your support provider.

Adding a New Modem

To add a modem, use the following command, where /dev/ttyACM1 is the new modem’s serial port, modem2 is the name we’d like to give the VSI-FAX modem, and fax1 is the name of the VSI-FAX modem pool and Eclipse fax device:

vfxadmin device -a -d -v /dev/ttyACM1 modem2
vfxadmin class -d -a modem2 fax1

To verify that the change is in place:

vfxstat -a

Modifying an Existing Modem

To change a modem’s port on either Linux or AIX, use the following command (where /dev/ttyD00 is the existing modem’s new serial port, and modem1 is the name of the VSI-FAX modem you’re updating):

vfxadmin device -u -v /dev/ttyD00 modem1

To verify that the change is in place:

vfxstat -a

How do I stop and start Eclipse services on Linux?

Stop Eclipse

  • Stop VSIFAX:
vfxsched stop
  • Stop samba:
service smb stop
  • Stop PostgreSQL:
service postgresql-8.4 stop


systemctl stop postgresql-9.5
  • Stop SYSTEM.ADMIN, phantoms, JBoss:
service monit stop
service eclipse-jboss stop
service eclipse-system-admin stop


systemctl stop eclipse-api-release
systemctl stop eclipse-jboss.service 
systemctl stop eclipse-system-admin.service 
For secondary accounts (play, train, stage, etc.), substitute “eclipse” for the account name. For example, a “train” account services would be referred to as train-jboss and train-system-admin.
  • Stop UV processes:
cd /u2/uv
  • Stop remaining phantoms, UV processes:
ps -ef|grep phantom|awk '{print $2}'|xargs -i kill -4 {}
  • Stop UV:
service uv.rc stop


systemctl stop  universe
  • If UV complains that there are open processes, check:
lsof /u2
ipcs -mop|grep 0xaceb

Start Eclipse

  • Start UV:
service uv.rc start


systemctl start  universe
  • Start PostgreSQL:
service postgresql-8.4 start


systemctl start postgresql-9.5
  • Start SYSTEM.ADMIN, phantoms, JBoss:
service monit start
service eclipse-system-admin start
service eclipse-jboss start


systemctl start eclipse-system-admin.service 
systemctl start eclipse-jboss.service 
systemctl start eclipse-api-release
For secondary accounts (play, train, stage, etc.), substitute “eclipse” for the account name. For example, a “train” account services would be referred to as train-jboss and train-system-admin.
  • Start samba:
service smb start


systemctl start smb
  • Start VSIFAX:
vfxsched start

How do I install or update the RealPort drivers for my Digi PortServer on Linux?

To use the Digi PortServer, you’ll need to install the appropriate RealPort drivers for your kernel.

Additionally, any time the kernel is upgraded, you’ll need to recompile and reinstall the drivers. As such, it is important to plan your kernel upgrades in advance and perform testing after the first boot using a new kernel.


Installing or Upgrading the Digi RealPort Drivers

If the drivers are already installed, uninstall the existing drivers:

rpm -e dgrp

Download the latest drivers, for example:

mkdir -p /esupport/digi && cd /esupport/digi
wget -c

Download and install the Red Hat kernel source:

yum -y install kernel-headers-`uname -r` kernel-devel-`uname -r` rpm-build gcc ncurses-devel

Compile the drivers:

rpmbuild --rebuild /esupport/digi/40002086_Z.src.rpm

Install the drivers:

rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64/dgrp-1.9-39.x86_64.rpm


rpm -Uvh /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/dgrp-1.9-39.x86_64.rpm

Edit udev to set permissions for tty devices:

vim /etc/udev/rules.d/10-dgrp.rules

Locate the “tty_dgrp” entry, and modify it as displayed below:

KERNEL=="tty_dgrp*", PROGRAM="/usr/bin/dgrp_udev %k", NAME="%c", GROUP="lp", MODE="0666", OPTIONS="last_rule"

Adding Digi Ports to Linux

If this is a new Digi, setup the ports in the following manner:

dgrp_cfg_node init (ttyid) (ip_address) (number_of_ports)

Example (change the IP address and number of ports to match your device):

dgrp_cfg_node init D 1

Starting the Digi Service

When the drivers have been installed, and the ports have been configured, start the Digi service to activate the serial ports:

service dgrp_daemon restart

Adding Digi Ports to VSI-FAX

If you are configuring VSI-FAX for the first time, or if you’re adding a new fax modem to your environment, you’ll need to make VSI-FAX aware of the new modem’s serial port location. For example, to create a new modem called modem1 at the serial port location /dev/ttyD00:

vfxadmin device -a -d -v /dev/ttyD00 modem1

After adding the modem to VSI-FAX, you will also need to add the modem to the default fax “pool” or class. To add the new modem1 to the default fax “pool” named fax1:

vfxadmin class -d -a modem1 fax1