How do I enable a printer in AIX?

  • Log into the server as root
  • Enable the UV print queue:
usa +o -p lp1
  • Enable the AIX print queue:
enable lp1
  • Check the status of the print queue:
lpstat -plp1
  • If the status is stuck in SENDING, run fixq, press ENTER followed by the printer name (ie: lp1):
  • If these commands do not work, it may be necessary to “power cycle” (unplug device from power and plug it back in) the printer AND print server, then repeat the commands above such as “enable lp1” or “fixq”.

You may want to try to “ping” the printer.  From the server, you can type “ping lp1” or from your PC, you can type “ping 192.168.x.x” (substitute the actual IP address for the printer). If you cannot ping the printer, check that the IP is correct, check the switch, cable, etc.  If you cannot ping the printer, it will never print from Eclipse.

Sometimes there is a job “stuck” in the queue that needs to be removed so the rest can print. This will often show up with a job stuck in “sending” when you run this command: lpstat -plp1 (lp1 is an example). You can cancel the job with the following command:

cancel (job number)


Queue   Dev   Status    Job Files              User         PP %   Blks  Cp Rnk
------- ----- --------- --- ------------------ ---------- ---- -- ----- --- ---
lp13    @lp13 SENDING    51 STDIN.46158        root                   4   1   1
              QUEUED    161 STDIN.7472         root                   4   1   2
cancel 51
To cancel all jobs on lp13, you can type: cancel lp13

How do I manage Linux print queues?

View a step-by-step screencast of this process:

To administer print jobs, first log into the server as root before running any of the following commands.

UniVerse Spooler Commands

  • To view the status of a UV print queue:
usa -p lp1
  • To enable a UV print queue:
usa +o -p lp1
  • To manually start the UV spooler:
cd /u2/uv
bin/usd /usr/spool/uv -t
    • To cancel print jobs from the UV Spooler:

For a specific job number:

usm -k 12345

For an entire queue:

usm -k -p lp1

Linux (CUPS) Spooler Commands

  • To view the status of all print queues:
lpc status
  • To check the status of a single print queue and view a list of pending jobs:
lpc status lp1
lpstat -P lp1
lpstat -plp1
  • To remove a single print job:
cancel lp1-1234
  • To remove all print jobs in a queue:
cancel -a lp1
  • To enable  a queue:
cupsenable lp1
  • To disable a queue:
cupsdisable lp1
  • To enable all queues:
lpstat -p | grep disabled | awk '{print $2}' | xargs cupsenable
  • To print a test job:
echo test | lpr -P lp1
  • To restart/refresh the cups service:
service cups restart
